Accessing BMC

There are four(4) categories under which you can access care at Benin Medical Care.

Private Access

You do not need HMO to access our services here at BMC. As a private individual, you can come in to see a doctor at your own time.

Insurance Access

In Benin Medical Care, we are partnered with a number of Health Insurance companies, which means you can access services in our facility and bills will be forwarded to the Health Insurance company for payment. However, we will need to confirm with your HMO what health insurance plan you are covered under. You are required to bring a means of identification and your name must be on the list sent by your HMO to our facility.

Corporate Access

Accessing Benin Medical Care as a corporate patient will require your place of work being registered with us. We will also require an introduction letter from your company.

Referral Access

In Benin Medical Care, we receive referrals from other clinics within and outside Benin City, Nigeria. Referrals can either be by referral letters or via the appointment desk in our facility. We receive referrals for specialists’ consultations on secondary and tertiary care.